What happens after I die?

Posted in Uncategorized by admin on 11 October 2006

Answering Life’s Toughest Questions part 4

Do you enjoy reading the obituaries? Or are you opting to buy a memorial plan with the same enthusiasm when buying a new house? Yes, it’s very unlikely, simply because we don’t want to think about death, we avoid speaking about it like plague. Well guess what, statistic says that everything that lives will die, this fact is 100% proven. All of us worry about death because we have this fear of the unknown, we have questions that we can’t answer so we might as well evade the issue. But King Solomon once said that “A wise person thinks about death.” Eccl.7:4 It certainly is because the remaining days of our lives depend on how we see the future, death included. Let us ask ourselves, “How am I looking at death?”

Are we looking at death from the Down side? If we do, we view death as something inevitable, a part of every man’s fate as human being. The look on the down side brings despair, because when you see things in this perspective, life seems useless, a rat race. In this perspective death is the end, and that makes it scary because there is no way for us to know what happens next after we die. If we think that death is morbid, we sure are on this category.

Are we looking at death from the In side? The look from this side brings confusion, because these people know in their hearts that there’s something beyond life and yet they do not know where to get the right information about the matter. Wrong information will eventually lead to wrong decisions.

Are we looking at death from the Up side? If there’s such thing as “reliable source” as far as death is concerned, Jesus is the guy. He tells us that whatever decision we make now will make a great impact in our future.

The Bible says, after we die, we either suffer eternal separation in hell or experience eternal celebration in heaven. Just two destinations, both real places.

Hell is a place of physical, emotional, relational and spiritual torture. It’s a place where you are alone for all eternity, a place where you experience emotional sufferings. And most sadly, it’s a place where there is no presence of God – it is where one is eternally separated from God.

On the other hand, heaven is a place where God is the guiding light, where there will be no more tears, where joy and fellowship abound. Where significance is at the very essence of everything and everybody. Where Jesus is among us.

Everybody wants heaven – that’s for sure. Unfortunately, not everyone here wants to have anything to do with a loving God who did everything he can, including sending his Son to die on our behalf, just so we can be with him forever. Some would simply want to be their own boss. They want to “do whatever they want, because it’s my life anyway”. In effect they are rejecting God and his offer of salvation.

Accept his offer of salvation. Make Jesus the boss of your life right now and make y our eternity secured. Remember that you are not really ready to live, unless you’re ready to die. You can only live a fruitful life if you are sure of what happens after you die.