What’s so special about Christmas

Posted in Uncategorized by admin on 31 December 2006

The holiday rush is here-your work hours are piling up, you’re calorie-counting like crazy, and love is definitely in the air. But why only during this time of the year, what’s so special about Christmas?

History dictates that some of the most relevant events in our century was the Pearl Harbor bombing, and man’s first step on the moon. But we believers knew that no news is bigger than God’s coming here on Earth, the headline news could either be, “The World’s First Glimpse of Our God” or “God’s First day On Earth”.

“He became like men and was born a human being.” Phil.2:7 (Amp) If we were on God’s shoes we might have landed here on Earth in a burning chariot, or on a cloud with a million angels. Ironically, He chose to came here in the most humble way, born like any ordinary child, and His finishing touch to this grand entrance was to be confined in a manger. He is every inch a man, like you and me, a good news in itself because He can understand us better this way.

If we were Jesus’ playmate we might have asked Him, “Hey, what brings you here anyway?” No offense meant but Betlehem is no place for a king, lest the King of Kings.

The Ritz could have done better, and yet He came. Jesus came to give us a better glimpse of who God is. Our Father is a loving God, someone we can trust, our strict image of Him is a complete misnomer for His mercy never runs out for us, it’s new everyday; He came and endured the grueling heat of the sun while living in Nazareth just to show us the true meaning of life, which is to live in search of God - that exemplifies living from mere existing. Most importantly, He came so we can have eternity, so we can join Him in His mansion where He guaranteed a place for each one of us who love Him.

So, what’s so special about Christmas then? It’s about JESUS, right…and its about US. For we are the reason that He came. Christmas is God’s desperate way to reconnect with us, when He chose to use Christ to bind us with Him. The next time we see a Christmas belen, stop and reflect on how that kid gave us life, and each shepherd in the manger represents us all, who came to His calling and believed.

Santa’s gift was not the best after all. God’s present is available everyday of the year, wrapped in His blood and bounded by His love…just waiting to be opened.