When You’re Feeling Resentful

Posted in Uncategorized by admin on 02 December 2006

There was once a spider named Sabine who’s envious of her friends Carol the bird, Gina the butterfly, Vanessa the swan and Pauline the earthworm. She resented Carol for her nice penthouse atop the tree and Pauline for that mysterious pad at the basement, while she lays her head every night in her cozy little web. She feels bad every time Gina greets her a good morning because she looks way prettier in her fabulous wings, and Vanessa, for her gracefulness. Can you relate with Sabine? Do you feel resentful when a colleague collects a bigger salary, or do you turn green as a beautiful woman walk past you? Do you question God’s judgment as you see a friend being blessed tremendously? The problem here starts with comparison. As you compare your life’s status to someone else something happens within you; first, unhappiness creeps in. Jealousy and resentment find its way to our hearts as we try to measure up with others. Then, trouble comes in. Every time you try to covet what others have problem arises, try to picture a kid in a company of another child with a toy, surely a fight is inevitable. If you find yourself in this situation, if you’re hurt or resentful, take heed for the Bible has a proposition for us in order to maintain our happiness.

Realize that God has a good plan for your life. Job 36:13 says, “The godless are full of resentment.” If you don’t believe that God can do something about your life you’ll be susceptible to fear, unnecessary worries, jealousy and resentments. Time and again God turns the bad things into something good, if you love Him. God can take situations that are totally bad and turn them around. When people use situations to destroy us, God on the other hand uses it to develop us. If you believe in God and His love you’ll get to understand that, first and foremost, He did not cause our pain, that He did not choose somebody else over us, so don’t get jealous of other people’s blessings. For a person who loves God knows that His creator has a grand plan for him, and that he should just wait for surprises after surprises that’ll come his way. The cross gave us a perfect example of this grand plan, Jesus’ death wasn’t good but God made it a tool for our salvation. For every slap in the face, every insult, whip, every step towards Golgotha, each nail meant names, our names, to be taken to our Father in His resurrection. If you look at everything in your life using God’s eyeglasses, you’ll see things differently, you’ll understand that the whole lot is just a part of His plan, His great plan.

Rejoice in what you have been given. It’s human nature to capitalize on life’s complexities, and in the process we overlook the good things, we take our blessings for granted.. It happens if you focus on the “self”, if you let your “I” take the reigns, happiness and contentment will always be beyond your reach. It can be counteracted if you start to be thankful for all the things, good and bad, that come your way- your health, your family that loves you, the food on your table, your gifts and talents. And to exercise this further, try thanking the Lord in advance, that’s the best profession of faith.

Refocus on helping others. Again, focusing on yourself and your discomforts won’t change the situation you’re in, instead look around you, that way you’ll know that you’re not alone in your predicaments and you’ll end up counting your blessings. Another thing is that God allowed you to have a burden so that you may help others who are in the same situation, that in your pain you can still bring glory to God and be a blessing to another who is in need.

A perfect life doesn’t necessarily mean a problem-free, hassle –free existence. Life perfection is about appreciating your every step. It’s all about doing your best at every moment, but it’s also accepting who you are and where you’re at at this moment. It is taking your part in this grand plan called life. Lastly, it is about who we know, who we get connected with, it must be the one who loves us like no other, the one who got His hands nailed for you and for me. Life is a gift. Celebrate!