You don’t have to stay the same

Posted in Uncategorized by admin on 16 January 2007

A billboard along Edsa says, “the one constant is change”, sounds like another oxymoron right. Ironically it’s true, these simply illustrates that all of us doesn’t have to stay the same, that changes meant growth. Even a larvae metamorphosed into a butterfly, a pony grows into a beautiful stallion, a tadpole into a frog and if he’s lucky he can even turn into a prince. We came into this world raw and crude, because God Himself wants to mold us into the kind of person he wants us to be and to do this, He uses circumstances in our lives: Crisis. Sometimes it is when we are on our lowest ebb that we say our most honest prayer, we have our most intimate talk with God. Good news is God listens to those who have time to pray and He speaks to those who have time to listen. But this doesn’t mean He will take away our troubles, He won’t do such a thing because He wants us to learn.

The Lord wants us to discover our own weaknesses and strengths. One thing interesting about God is, He’s more concern with our character than with our comfort. What He’ll do instead is guide us with our decisions. When God leads us to the edge of a cliff, only 1 of 2 things will happen - either He will catch us when we fall or he will teach us how to fly. Confession. No change would take place unless we admit our sins and accept our faults. It is when we go out of ourselves that something happens within the self, when we confess our mistakes we become remorseful and humble. God feels these, and that melts His heart into welcoming us in His loving embrace. As far as sin is concern the hardest part is admittance, if we are able to go through this, then conversion is inevitable. The moment we cry for a change, God will clean up all the patches, fill up all the holes and bleach all the stains, slowly but surely. A change of heart will allow God to give us a new identity, a new beginning. He will change us from the inside out. Clean slate. 2 Cor. 5: 17 (NIV) says,” Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come”. Change doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s not going to be easy, it may even hurt a little. Yet, we donot have to stay the same – same life condition, same sin, same wrong self- image. God can and will do something about it, rest assured He will not allow us to stay in whatever condition we have. Come to Jesus and ask Him to change you. He will not judge us based on our performance right now, instead He is thrilled on what we will become. As He promised, He won’t let go until He is finished.