Defeating Persistent Temptations

Posted in Uncategorized by admin on 06 February 2007

*Are you trying to break free from a dangerous appetite? Have you been meaning to change your habitual anger outburst? Struggling with an addiction? God is ready to step in. Temptation is not a sin, it only becomes one when you give in to it. But if you think that it’s too over powering for you to overcome, then Satan fooled you …because there is always a way out:

Predetermine your pattern of temptation. Ask yourself: when and where you are most tempted; Who are you usually with when it happens; what temporary benefit do you get when giving in to its calling; and how do you feel right before you were tempted (were you depressed or hungry then?). Knowing and understanding yourself will help you guard your reactions when faced with your weaknesses.

Protect the condition of your heart. “Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything that you do.” Pr.4: 23 The heart is our inner self; it is who we really are. Negative emotion is the devil’s foothold in our lives. Whenever we feel discouraged, bored, alone, insecure, hurt and spiritually dry, the rock that supports us crack and the devil gets a grip on us, a secure starting point from which further advances can be made. Don’t let destructive feelings eat up your heart, because contrary to our beliefs that temptation lies around us, it actually begins within us.

Pray for God’s help. Apart from God we are nothing, without His help we cannot do anything. If you find yourself on the verge of sinning, send God an SOS. Don’t be afraid to ask for His help for He would skip the “I told you so” speech, instead He’ll bestow us mercy - for the inconvenience that we’ve been through, and then He’ll shower us with grace - to overcome the lure of sin. Don’t even get embarrass even if you’ve been giving in to the same temptation. Just so you know, you can call on to Him a hundred times a day to defeat a particular temptation, and yet He’ll still be eager to help you out. The Bible says “Call to Me when trouble comes; I will save you…”Ps. 50:15 This guarantee surpasses, million times, the US Secret Service’ job.

Point your attention elsewhere. Temptation starts with a thought. If we were to dissect the anatomy of sin, we’d say it all begins with the attention (the thought), then the arousal (the craving), and finally the action (the decision to disobey). Since the battle for sin starts with the mind, the quickest way to defuse its appeal is to turn your attention on to something else. Because the more we block a thought the more it becomes imposing, the more it consumes us. Don’t fight it, just change the channel of your mind and get interested in other idea.

Participate in a support group. There are problems that are unbearable or sins that are too habitual. This is the reason why God gave us friends. They were given to us not just to co inhabit with, they’re here to help us overcome the calling of sin. We need to unload ourselves to godly friends who would pray for us, guide, and encourage us. The Lord wants us to share our burden with somebody whom we trust because it liberates us, for as we reveal, we heal. Confiding our weakness is not easy, but if we won’t humble ourselves and admit that we need help, then we’re just keeping ourselves from getting better. Are you intimidated by temptations? Don’t be, since every temptation is an opportunity to do good. As the devil use it against us, God utilizes it to mold us. Because every time you turn your eyes away from sin, you look straight into God’s eyes. Whenever we say no to temptation, we nod in agreement to God’s plans for us. If you believe in God and the power He gave us to defeat the power of sin over us, then temptation is just a choice, nothing more.*